Geschützt: Trivium Quadrivium, die Künste der Freiheit und die Logischen Irrtümer
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Zuckerberg greift nach Alisas Kristall. Facebook möchte 10.000 Ingenieure in Europa beschäftigen, um den virtuellen Raum zu entwickeln, der sich letztendlich mit der realen Welt verschmilzt. Aber Facebook hat weder die erforderliche Ethik noch die Technologie, um das dominierende Metaversum zu werden. Mal sehen, was die Zukunft bringt und wie Alisa diese Schauspieler mit ihrer Technologie übrzeugt.
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Nuovision Songcontest Winner 2021 Valentina Ralph Valenteano – Viel zu esoterisch:… Interview with the Author in HomeOffice 121
Alisa performing her legendary sacrifice to liberate her beloved China
Hypnagogia comes from the Greek words for “sleep” and “guide,” describing the transition period between wakefulness and sleep. Many people experience hallucinations as they fall asleep which may give them creative insights, leading artists like Salvador Dali to nickname it “the slumber with a key.” What is hypnagogia? Hypnagogia is the dream-like state that occurs in the transition between wakefulness… Weiterlesen »Hypnagogia and Hypnopompia for Creativity
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One of the most truthful preacher puts the current situation on the spot. Look at the 14 minutes videos but unfortunately only on German language: For a wonderful deep explanation watch the three parts of his talk.
Whatch the video to learn abut the Alice in Wunderland strategy to break someones mind. Now they rape the whole world with forced unlogic. sfsdf
Mila Gojsalić ist die heroische Schönheit, die dem Milaphon seinen Namen geben haben soll. Sie ist vieleicht auch eine seelen Schwerster von Alisa. Besagte Mila Gojsalić wird in kroatischen Erzählungen oft als die Jeanne d’Arc von Kroatien bezeichnet. Die dalmatinische Volksheldin wurde nahe von Omiš in dem Dorf Kostanje geboren. Ihre Heldensaga spielte sich im Jahr 1530 ab, als in… Weiterlesen »Mila Gojsalić, heorische Schönheit von 1530
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Interesting analysis from Snowden about the development of over surveillance over time. There is a disproportional distribution of accountability for the action. Wach the passage of the Video of this interesting aspect: We need a system that rules us but not surveilles us:
The KaraSpace stable coin will be an integral part of the KaraSpace virtual country and is in preperation. KaraSpace depends heavily on all kinds of blockchain tokens in all their different functions like for Crypto Currency, Stable Coin, Security Token, Utility Token, Asset Tokenization and the construction of a whole virtual country with Citizens and Governance as a token and… Weiterlesen »Der KaraSpace StableCoin und Stimmung der Gegulatoren zu Stablecoins
Your Phone Is Spying On You: Companies Are Generating Secret “Surveillance Scores” Based On That Data Nothing that you do on your phone is private. In this day and age, most of us have become extremely dependent on our phones, and most Americans never even realize that these extremely sophisticated little devices are gathering mountains of information on each one… Weiterlesen »Your Phone Is Spying On You
At, the consulting company has published a wonderful introduction to Blockchain Tokenization of Assets in Switzerland. This is very helpful to understand the requirements for the KaraSpace token economics with the Security Token Offerings (STO) on AR-Companies, and the related KaraSpace stable coin. Other type of Tokens from the KaraSpace token economics like the Land Token are not mentioned… Weiterlesen »Tokenization of Assets in Switzerland
Was währe wenn Politiker ausgeloost werden würden? Western democracies are under pressure: riots, low voter turnout, corruption, polarisation, political disinformation campaigns are some of the often cited symptoms. But what if elections were part of the problem? How do we ensure the legitimacy needed in order for citizens to feel represented? If the real world democracies have probably no chance… Weiterlesen »Politiker ausgeloost
Only after long metal efforts to understand the new post Corona reality, we will realize, that the old days of massive social contact may partly be over. We learned, that the Corona Virus will join the family of ever circulating desires. We learned that the virus is discriminating against the elderly and even against groups of genomes, as it seemingly… Weiterlesen »KaraSpace for the long term Corona reality
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But why are there no AR-Unicorns around, beside Magic Leap. This is a key question asked in the AR space for quite a while now. Most people people don’t even understand, why should there be AR-Unicorns at all. Only if you go deeper into the analysis you understand the vastness. If AR glasses go mainstream, it means that they are… Weiterlesen »Why are there no AR-Unicorns around