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  "contract_of": "KaraSpace Land in the form of",
    "type":"lease agreement",
  "art_1":    "Date and Parties",  
  "art_1_0":     "This contract is crafted in the virtual AR-Metaverse of KaraSpace today on",
  "art_1_1":     "and signed on the retreavable date of the latest token pourchase or transfare",
  "art_1_2":     "Between the land owner of the specified land and with wallet as retreavable from the owner of the respective land owernship token",
    "owner_wallet": "",
  "art_1_3":      "and the land holder of the specified land and with wallet as retrevable from the owner of this lease token",
    "holder_wallet": "",
    "description": "The lease contract was made in the context of the visit and introductin of KaraSpace to the Hotel.",
  "art_2":     "Object",  
  "art_2_1":      "The object of lease is the patch of land commonly known and named",
     "name":     "House and Land at 21, Hover street, 256 Brongan, Estern Samar, Philippines.",
  "art_2_2":      "The type of land is",
  "art_2_3":      "and as identified with this retreavable NFT contract number and ID",
     "rent_ID":   "#12565",
   "art_2_4":      "The main geographic identifier is the following geo marker point of the center of the house or ground. The exact bound or borderline to the naibours is defind herewith as the acustomed real world borders of the land.",  
     "point": [52.087411, 11.668331],
   "art_2_5":      "More detaild if provided as a collection of named polygons.", 
     "ground": [
     {"groundName": "main", 
      "polygon":   [
        [11.667270, 52.085658],
        [11.667381, 52.086273],
        [11.666827, 52.087346],
        [11.666917, 52.088158],
        [11.667377, 52.089602],
        [11.667948, 52.089636],
        [11.669870, 52.086180]]},
     {"groundName": "exclave", 
      "polygon": [
        [11.667270, 52.085658],
        [11.667381, 52.086273],
        [11.666827, 52.087346],
        [11.666917, 52.088158],
        [11.667377, 52.089602],
        [11.667948, 52.089636],
        [11.669870, 52.086180]
   "art_2_6":      "In case of dispute over the exact land borders now or in future, the virtual State land dispute juristictin process is used to sattle the case.",  
"art_3":     "Object traits",  
  "art_3_1":      "The object is given the following trates for sales filtering pouposes",
     "traits": [
    {"trait_type": "Horn", "value": "Dark" },
    {"trait_type": "Eye",  "value": "Aqua" },
    {"trait_type": "Head", "value": "Aqua" },
    {"trait_type": "Body", "value": "Fire" }],     
  "art_4":     "Duration of Lease",  
  "art_4_1":      "This contract is agreed to be active untill the following date with automatic prolongaton.",
     "prolongation":"5 months",

  "art_5":     "Compensation of Lease",  
  "art_5_1":      "The compensation for the lease is agreed to be",
     "rent": "0.50",
   "art_5_2":     "The top most KaraSpace autority is ordered to execute automatic transfare of the rent regularly on the 3rd of each month, from and to the tennent and owners wallet.",

  "art_6":     "Online Recources",  
  "art_6_1":      "This contract Token has the following additional Online recources",
     "image":     "https://puls.karaspace.net/wp-content/uploads/2024/08/FWHotelPortalMJQ480.jpg",
  "art_7":      "Source of ownership",     
  "art_7_1":      "The token owner has quired the land that comprises the object of this lease as NFT in contract number and ID",
  "art_8":      "Chain of Oaths",     
  "art_8_1":      "The token owner has quired the land that comprises the object of this lease as NFT in contract number and ID",
  "art_8_2":      "The token owner has quired the land that comprises the object of this lease as NFT in contract number and ID",
  "art_9":      "Real World Notary Confirmation",     
  "art_9_1":      "The token owner has quired the land that comprises the object of this lease as NFT in contract number and ID",
     "notary_office":"Lehmann & Behrens, Rechtsanwälte & Notare, Kuhberg 1, 24534 Neumünster, Germany",
     "noterized_statement": "In the notary document Rolle nr. 1548884, dated 25.12.2024, I hereby confirm, that the Person identified by me to be Konstantin Roggatz has shown in front of my eyes that the ethereum wallet address x0546465454564654564 is under his control through a hardware wallet. He confirmed in written, that he is ",
  "art_10":     "Usage of Token",     
  "art_10_1":     "The Land Token is designed to be the record of lease or ownerschip of the patch of land, so that this land can be designed and administered according to the owners will within KaraSpace  and visible to the rest of the world through the access points.",
  "art_10_2":     "The Land Token can only effectively be used by KaraSpace citizen wallet holders assocciated to the corresponding physical location.",
  "art_11":     "Bound to Virtual State Jurisdiction ",     
  "art_11_1":     "The Land Token is designed to be the record of lease or ownerschip of the patch of land, so that this land can be designed and administered according to the owners will within KaraSpace  and visible to the rest of the world through the access points.",
  "art_11_2":     "The Land Token can only effectively be used by KaraSpace citizen wallet holders assocciated to the corresponding physical location.",  
  "art_12":     "Status of the contract",     
  "art_12_1":     "The status of the contract and the validity of the token can change according to new regulations, sceme development, change in Blockchain technology, State interventions or requests from the owner. This is indicated here as folows.",
     "contract_validity":  "true",
     "contract_migration": "none",
  "art_12_2":     "Availability to rent the place is often not clear to see. It is clear if offered on a platform like OpenSea.io. If not clear, please mesage the token owner with a message to his wallte.",
     "availability":       "true",
     "availability_date":  "immediately",
   "art_13":     "Signing and acceptance of the Contract",  
   "art_13_1":     "The owner of this contract declares, that he has accapted the contract upon pouchase acceptens throu his Etereum wallet for this token, or throuh installation of the a Citizen wallet as provided by KaraSpace throu a confidential wallet pharase list. In both cases the point of sale informed about the contract",
   "art_13_2":     "The owner of this contract declares, that he will transfare the land token only to accounts of his controll, or he will give the new wallet owner a specific instruction to read this token accaptance contract.",
   "art_13_3":     "The owner of this contract declares, that he will accept the contract uppon first realisation and reading of this contract, or transfare it back to the original owner or the following KaraSpace wallet.",
    "token_return_wallet":"x024546454654dsfsldkfjdsfj sdlkfj dlskfjsdkfjsd",

AR Hotel AR Hotel





Peace Meeting Magdeburg

One of the highlites was the peace time traveler musicle on the stage on night.

The discussions about ways to peace have been on high level and inspiering. Morning and night impressions. The meeting point at night with musik dance and fire. Present the token here: Toke 108 named Estate at 25, Stream Street, Borongan, Eastern Samar, Philippines the fast silver fox List of similar Token Borongan Token 1
Borongan Token 1
Json contract: