— Name: Alexander Klein
— Experience: China Industry, Microcontroller, Product development
— Organizations: LiftCore GmbH Germany, LiftCore Elivator Co., Ltd. China
— Member Status: Founding Member, Minor Investor
— Volunteering at KaraSpace: Small development team in China
— possible paid work at KaraSpace: Director of KaraSpace funded development company.



Alexander Klein is an ingenious electronics developer who has build up a giant elevator manufacturing business together with his Chinese partners in the last decade. He now resides in his Castel Schloss Lindach and develops new technology.


On the last visit of the KaraSpace CEO, Konstantin Roggatz on Schloss Lindach, the two engineers discussed the construction of the KaraSpace wrist motion controller in the form of an ordinary watch. The AR-Consortium Patents describe manny different sensor technologies to capture the finger movement from under the wrist.





The Castel Lindach is renovated in the same classical style as the rich Chines mentions, as one can get used to, when living in China.

But the castel is also for inviting Chinese business partners and investors.

Alex is interested in the KaraSpace project, but his capital is tight up in land speculation. He confesses, that after all the work with the industry business over the years, the actual wealth was created through the value increase of the factory land.

After understanding, that KaraSpace is all about about land speculation, he offered to provide a research lab of 2-4 people in China right away.

In his laboratory he is fostering young bright engineers, as he knows just how much a single ingenious mind can achieve with the right connections.