– Name: Mystery of the Third Planet: Alice and the Purple Ball
– Type: PC Game
– Location:
– Website: Download Torrent
– Cooperation:
– Genre: Adventure, for Kids





As you might guess, the events of the game “The Secret of the Third Planet: Alice and the Purple Ball” are based on the work of the same name by Kir Bulychev. In the role of a brave schoolgirl named Alisa Selezneva and her father, get ready to make an exciting journey into the open space, where a mysterious planet is located under the uncomplicated name “Vagabond”. And so, having arrived at the territory of an abandoned interplanetary station, the main characters notice that there is still a logbook on board, where mysterious space pirates are mentioned. But most of all, Alice’s attention is attracted by information about the mysterious Purple Ball, which is on Earth and is the main source of the virus, which allows sowing chaos, hatred and discord. From this moment on, the player steps in.

Wach the Russian demo video for an impression:

Wach the walk through of the Game on Youtube here…