
The KaraSpace Magazine

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Known Traveller Paradigm Shift

The KaraSpecs technology exactly follows the paradigm shift that took place at the World Economic Forum in Davos. The iris scanning and blockchain system in Augmented Reality glasses is considered an ideal implementation of the new frontier traffic and travel safety infrastructure. Enclose the document: WEF_The_Known_Traveller_Digital_Identity_Concept.PDF 

Karl Guttag best AR Technology Blog

The best blog for technical analysis of the latest AR technology. Essential for the technical understanding. Expect a lot of criticism.

ICO Summit Zürich March 2018

Only few sources on the Internet are as revealing about blockchain and ICOs, as the recent ICO summits in the Swiss Crypto Valley. Particularly noteworthy for the KaraSpace ICO are the contributions of Nicolas Brand from Zurich, who works for the Lakestar VC. Below are his three contributions to the ICO Summit 2018, highlighting the importance of ICO startup scalability… Read More »ICO Summit Zürich March 2018

The AR Vision of the Powerful

The big players in the industry are sure that AR will be the next big thing, as the following videos are showing. The judgment of Tim Cook CEO of Apple:   The judgment of Mark Zuckerberg:   KaraSpace is solving exactly the mentioned technical problems in such a souverän manner, that the war for the next mobile computing platform will start very soon.

Goldman&Sachs VR/AR Report

The Investment Bank Goldman & Sachs has published its VR/AR report, in which it proclames the battle for the next mobile computing platform.   The Goldman & Sachs report about VR/AR-Glasses can be downloaded here as PDF document..

Hyper Reality

We honor Keiichi Masuda for his critical and brilliant work on the study and visualization of Augmented Reality. Watch his Hyper Reality Video here:

Hololens AR Vision

The vision of Microsoft for its Hololens, shows the creative potential of AR-Glasses!

Road Show Calendar

Our Road Show 2018 There is no definite schedule for the road show for 2018 yet. It will probably be in the first, or middle half of this year. Further planning:  

The strongest argument for KaraSpecs!

The technological and financial efforts to develop this product are perceived as being quite high. But the goale is nothing less then the next mobile computing revolution with an entirely new user interface. All efforts to further develop the classical head-up displays are futile, because the user will always look like a dork. The product has no chance because of… Read More »The strongest argument for KaraSpecs!