DoME, Domain Object Modeling Environment


The AR Domain Object Modeling Environment

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The DoME system is a meta modeling environment for domain objects that models any kind of complex systems like in large international enterprises. The development environment is build on top of the Cincom VisualWorks Smalltalk system.

The idea of DoME is to model an organization by a set of different kinds of graphical modeling environments that each focuse on one aspect of the total model. This makes it possible for individuals to understand und work on the grand model. The generated models can then be directly connected to the domain object structure and logic. DoME enables to develop the logic of the different graphical design environments themself, making it very flexible.


The modeling process is typically performed in a broader framework of enterprise development like TOGAF.

TOGAF is a framework of cyclic processes for a whole enterprise architecture team. The process identifies, models and implements an Enterprise-Business, -Application and -Technology layer, and keeps up the development and change in a cyclic pattern.


For KaraSpace, the system is first used as it is, and later ported to Pharo and expanded, to map the TOGAF processes and developments and store them in a persistent multi user object space as the so called TOGAF continuum.




This system will then manage the development and change cycles of the complex domain models behind the international KaraSpace organization. Since the user community and its organization in a distributed semi autonomous organization are integral parts of the Trust-Smalltak system, all can be considered system software.


In a further step of sophistication, the different graphs can be visualized and animated in an immersive AR environment, to make most complex systems easily understandable even to non professionals. Personal date, application logic and network relation ships and processes can be visualized to generate trust.






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