ERP-Smalltalk, direct Domain-Object Web-Interface


Web-based ERP Development environment used as the KaraSpace Enterprise management system

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The ERP-Smalltalk system provides extremely easy ways to define and provide enterprise domain objects in a web interface. All this with minimal object oriented coding, and without any web development worries at all. An underlying business world intelligence, interprets new inserted instance variables and objets automatically, so that changes must only be programmed, if they don’t follow the general business logic. The underlying persistent object space, combined with replication and load balancing, makes the need for classical Databases obsolete.

As such, it is used as the KaraSpace enterprise information system.

The ERP-Smalltalk development environment for direct domain-object access through a web interface is integrated into the Trust-Smalltalk AR blockchain framework. It functions as the standard web-interface to the underlying domain object of the individual smalltalk images. In the Trust-Smalltalk framework, a Smalltalk image is like a persistent object in a grand global object space, providing blockchain-secured web services. These images send messages to each other, like normal objects do inside a Smalltalk image. For persistency, load balancing and blockchain functionality, this images are replicated and organised in trees.


For AR and blockchain, the object oriented database model can handle arbitrary multidimensional complexity with ease and provide direct web access.


The system is build up on top of the Pharo Smalltalk open source development environment.
Pharo Smalltalk provides the object oriented, and image-based programming environment necessary for trusted AR with blockchain
at GitHub:

The system uses the following frameworks:

Zinc HTTP Network Server Framework
Zinc provides complete web server capabilities for HTTP and other custom web services

Seaside Web delivery Framework
Seaside provide intuitive and state aware delivery of the domain objects and applications to the web user
on GitHub:

Margritte Meta modeling framework
The Margritte domain meta model framework allows to model the data and application at a higher level of abstraction.
at GitHub:

Pier Web Content Management framework
The Pier system provides the customizable web front end, the access management and the Margritte integration, which is perfectly suited for an ERP System
at GitHub:

Meta Margritte, a further meta extension to Margritte for intelligent instance variable interpretation
The Meta Margritte extension then introduces virtual methods and an underlying intelligent business knowhow, to make coding necessary, only if changes divert from the norm.

Trust-Smalltalk Image Persistancy Framework
The persistency framework of Trust-Smalltalk extends the persistency to the ERP domain objects

ERP-Smalltalk, an enterprise domain model and application development environment
Binds all components together and adds missing components and business logic to provide an extraordinary ERP development environment




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