Hernane Travel & Tours

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We are affiliated to all this sites that are distributed in the map:
Booking.com – AirBNB affiliate – Travel.com

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AR-Metaverse empowered Hotels

Considder the KaraSpace AR-Metaversum enabled Hotels for the perfect Augmented Realigty Travel Experience.

Our KaraSpecs glasses will enable all travelers to experience this expanded Reality in the future.

Atlantic Hotel Hamburg - The most known and classical Hotel in Hamburg on which even a Jams Bond 007 movie was once filmed.
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Rewis Resort Hotel Borongan - The beautiful and classical Resort in Borongan with beach access and swimingpool.
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KaraSpice Diplomatic Mission

Accompany me on my Journy around the world to establish KaraSpace.

Our KaraSpecs AR-Metaverse will distribute the Riches of this new created world among the local people.

Peace Meeting Magdeburg - The Magdebur Peace Meeting is the 5th in a row of this new instannce of Peace Meetings in Germany and all over the world. One of the highlites was the peace time traveler musicle on the stage on night.
KaraSpice March Start Map - KaraSpice March starting Map The KaraSpice March Inspired by Gandhi’s Salt March The main marketing activity for the KaraSpace AR-Metaverse is the roadshow, which we call the KaraSpice March, similar to Gandhi’s Salt March. While Gandhi indentified the sals as the basis of the suppression of the people by the British Empire, KaraSpace identifies the… Read More »KaraSpice March Start Map