Own Mind, AR graphics & data user interface with development environment


The graphics & date user interface for AR Glasses with development environment

SKU: 208 Category:

The “Own Mind” graphics & data user interface for AR glasses builds on top of the Trust Smalltalk AR frontend operating and development environment. OwnMind models the very private mental areas of augmented reality for every individual and secures them by the Trust Smalltalk principles for absolute privacy. The new user interface doesn’t primarily follow the old windows or desktops metaphor, but deals with metaphors for mental concepts like dreams, goals, personalities, emotions, mind maps and self-programming for self-improvement. It provides all kind of applications dealing with these concepts.

The enormous data stream coming out of your AR glasses is processed in your closed system with a powerful neuron network and AI expert system, to form a comprehensible data model of your personal memory and life. This data is used for mind blowing applications dealing with the above mentioned mental metaphors.
Very selective parts of this personal data may then be made available by the user, to platforms like Google or Facebook or to other collaborative networks.

The new immersive 3D graphical user interface will slowly evolve, to graphically represent the mental metaphors and to provide a respective cinematic “look and feel” behavior. The personal data model can be searched and browsed similarly.

The system provides a binding to the OpenGL or other graphical subsystems, making the 3D visualization extremely easy through an object-oriented interface. The “Own Mind” development environment provides the framework to prototype these extraordinary new applications.





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