Pier CMS, Web Content Management System


The web front end development system

SKU: 204 Category:

The Pier CMS web content management system provides for normal users, only the basic functionality to build web sites. But the power of Pier is the ingenious integration of object-oriented concepts to web frontends, using the superior seaside web framework and the Margritte meta modeling system. It provides transparent and effortless interaction with Smalltalk domain objects.

In Smalltalk manner, this makes it ideal to integrate it into the ERP-Smalltalk System and ultimately into the web interface for the Trust-Smalltalk AR framework.

For this reason, the system will be ported to the latest Pharo system.




The system is build up on top of the Pharo Smalltalk open source development environment.

Pharo Smalltalk provides the object-oriented, and image-based programming environment necessary for trusted AR with blockchain
at GitHub: https://github.com/pharo-project

The system uses the following frameworks:

Zinc HTTP network server framework
Zinc provides complete web server capabilities for HTTP and other custom web services
onGitHub: https://github.com/svenvc/zinc

Seaside web delivery framework
Seaside provide intuitive and state aware delivery of the Domain Objects and Applications to the web user
on GitHub: https://github.com/seasidest/seaside

Margritte meta modeling framework
The Margritte domain meta model framework allows to model the data and application on a higher level of abstraction.
at GitHub: https://github.com/magritte-metamodel/magritte

Pier web content management framework
The Pier system provides the customizable web front end, the access management and the Margritte integration, which is perfectly suited for an ERP system
at GitHub: https://github.com/jborden23/Pier3


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