World Dynamic Engine – A 3D graphics engine for Pharo
Virtual Reality Live at Thales with Pharo
3D Graphics Card
Woden communicates with the 3D graphics via the abstract-gpu abstraction layer.
Windows and Linux
Woden on Windows requires a modern graphics card with support for at least one of the following two graphics APIs:
- Vulkan
- OpenGL 4.5
Woden on OS X requires a Mac with support for the Metal API.
Loading Woden
Woden can be loaded in a 64 bits Pharo 7 image by running the following script in a playground:
Metacello new
baseline: 'WodenEngine';
repository: 'github://ronsaldo/woden/tonel';
Woden samples
For checking the Woden samples, you should check the class side of WDASceneExamples for some examples, or you can just run the following script for blue window:
model := WDAModel new.
model openWith: (WDASolidColorViewSample new color: Color blue)
This Demo uses Pharo and its “Woden 3D Engine” developed by R. Salgado.
Another way is to interface to existing 3D engines like Unreal, as demonstrated in the following video.