AR privacy discussion
Privacy considerations: Legal aspects around AR. Very… 阅读更多 »AR privacy discussion
Privacy considerations: Legal aspects around AR. Very… 阅读更多 »AR privacy discussion
The KaraSpecs technology exactly follows the paradigm shift … 阅读更多 »Known Traveller Paradigm Shift
The best blog for technical analysis of the latest AR techno… 阅读更多 »Karl Guttag best AR Technology Blog
The big players in the industry are sure that AR will be the… 阅读更多 »The AR Vision of the Big
The Investment Bank Goldman & Sachs has published its VR… 阅读更多 »Goldman&Sachs VR/AR Report
We honor Keiichi Masuda for his critical and brilliant work … 阅读更多 »Hyper Reality 视频
The vision of Microsoft for its Hololens, shows the creative… 阅读更多 »Hololens 视频
Our Road Show 2018 There is no definite schedule for the roa… 阅读更多 »Road Show Calendar
The technological and financial efforts to develop this prod… 阅读更多 »The strongest argument for KaraSpecs!