KaraSpace is China expert
The CEO of KaraSpace Mr. Konstantin Roggatz, has a long hist… 阅读更多 »KaraSpace is China expert
The CEO of KaraSpace Mr. Konstantin Roggatz, has a long hist… 阅读更多 »KaraSpace is China expert
衡水大数据VR数字小镇项目启动仪式现场。 中新网衡水11月3日电 (记者 崔志平)3日,河北省衡水大数据VR数字小镇项目… 阅读更多 »河北衡水建大数据VR数字小镇 为京津冀新兴产业发展提供人才支撑
部分海外华商拥有KaraSpace公司股份的,有资格在衡水进行大量开发投资。 中国政府鼓励海外华人企业公司投资,以促进京… 阅读更多 »“世界侨商衡水行”活动在衡水圆满落幕
Amazing statements from the event!
AR项目城的规划。 它将成为KaraSpace中国创新中心的所在地。 7月6日下午,衡水市桃城区召开了衡水大数据与VR创… 阅读更多 »衡水大数据与VR创新园区会议
Amazing conversation about essential cognition In the … 阅读更多 »Why End User Programming
The Integral Fiber Optic AR design for minimalist AR-Spectac… 阅读更多 »The integral fiber AR design Cn
Videos for a deeper understanding of Blockchain and ICO are … 阅读更多 »Understanding Blockchain
Alan Kay and the Xerox Parc team developed the modern Comput… 阅读更多 »Alan Kay, Xerox Park and the 10 year planning
Only few sources on the Internet are as revealing about bloc… 阅读更多 »Crypto Summit Zurich March 2018
Privacy considerations: Legal aspects around AR. Very… 阅读更多 »AR privacy discussion
The KaraSpecs technology exactly follows the paradigm shift … 阅读更多 »Known Traveller Paradigm Shift
The best blog for technical analysis of the latest AR techno… 阅读更多 »Karl Guttag best AR Technology Blog
The big players in the industry are sure that AR will be the… 阅读更多 »The AR Vision of the Big
The Investment Bank Goldman & Sachs has published its VR… 阅读更多 »Goldman&Sachs VR/AR Report
We honor Keiichi Masuda for his critical and brilliant work … 阅读更多 »Hyper Reality 视频
The vision of Microsoft for its Hololens, shows the creative… 阅读更多 »Hololens 视频
The technological and financial efforts to develop this prod… 阅读更多 »The strongest argument for KaraSpecs!